Logan decided this morning he would get up at 4 a.m. Normally I can feed him and he'll go back to sleep for another hour or two. Nope not this morning....wide away and every time I would lay him back down he would freak out and start crying. I can just imagine him thinking, "What the heck Mom? It's dark out when I get up at 5:30 normally and it's dark out now. I can't tell time, how am I suppose to know it's 4 a.m. instead of 5:30 a.m.? All I want to do is eat a little something and go play with my toys? What's wrong with that?" He's just a little stinker though, you're extremely tired and go into his room to get him and he's either sitting or standing in his crib just smiling the biggest two tooth smile ever and so excited to see you. You can't be mad or upset with him. All you can do is love him.
So what do you do at 4 a.m. when your son wants to play....work.
UPDATE: I want to note that Brian also get's up with Logan. He was up at 4 a.m. as well, but I sent him back to bed. Then at about 5:15 he came out of the bedroom thinking that I was still trying to get Logan back to sleep not realizing that I was working, and was going to send me back to bed so I could get some sleep. He's so sweet!
i was right there w/ya babe. up at 4:30 w/layla bean who has a bad cough. layla does the same thing... stands in her crib and when she sees me, she just reaches out at me and smiles. how could i possibly turn her down for a nuzzle after that?
Oh yeah, I feel your pain too. Last week, Nick was up at 2:30 and I saw a few messages on my "crack-berry" that came in late so I decided there's no better time than the present. Nobody else other than working mom's would ever be sending e-mails and doing work at 3 a.m.
This is hilarious! We know who my "Working Mom" friends are!
dude. i need a "crack-berry". i'd defnititely be more productive at all hours of the night if i had one. it takes me forever to log on to my work computer because of all the damn security walls we have to get through and i just can't deal w/that at 4:00 a.m. I'm surprised Wells doesn't have our retinas scanned before we can log in. That's how we get into our building everyday.
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