Friday, July 31, 2009

4 MINS!!!

4 MINUTES!!! That's right folks 4 minutes, not 4 hours...minutes that's how long it took our little Debbie to push out this beautiful little boy!! 4 MINS!! Debbie was on Patocin because she wasn't having any contractions, yet her water had definitely sprung a leak so they didn't want to send her home. She started Patocin at about 9 and they slowly increased it basically every hour until about 11:30 - 11:45. At which time I guess the nurse checked her and she was at a 5 but the nurse could still feel a little bag of water around Weston's head, so she broke the bag of water and within 15 mins Debbie had gone from a 5 to a 10 and yup 4 mins later Weston was here. I'm sure I don't have all the details correct and I'm sure Debbie will post on their blog with all the right details, but I know I got the 4 mins detail right...ok I officially hate Debbie now...4 mins...come on...No I'm just kidding Debbie I love you and am so proud of you! Way to go girl! Weston is beautiful and we're so happy for you and Michael!

Congrats again!

6 more weeks until Oscar....I'm so excited now!


The Sherman's said...

well it's nice of theresa to be so forgiving of you deb... i on the other hand hate you. ;) congrats anyway! he's BEAUTIFUL! CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM TOMORROW!

Shutterbug said...

Congrats Mikey and Debbie, Weston is quite a handsome fello. 4 minutes I simply can't believe it. Nice work Deb! I can't wait to meet little Weston!!