Monday, August 10, 2009

Oscar Meyer...Logan's little brother!

That's right! I said BROTHER!!! Oscar is in fact a boy. We had another ultrasound last Tuesday and decided to find out the sex. Brian had asked the ultrasound tech at our first ultrasound to go "down there" so he could guess. He finally told me in mid-July (I think) that he thought it was a boy and after that I just had to find out if he was right. At our first appt. at Stillwater Medical Group the doctor said he wanted to do another ultrasound to check to make sure my placenta had shifted up because it was low during our 20 week better opportunity to quiet my curiosity of the sex of Oscar then during an ultrasound!

I was pretty proud of Brian for being correct, but then again he finds a way to amaze me almost everyday...I wonder if I'll ever get to a point where I won't be shocked by how amazing he is?

Anyways, back to the ultrasound...our doctor was the one that actually did the ultrasound this time which was great! He's great! And to top it off they had a 3D ultrasound machine. I can't begin to describe to you how incredible a 3D ultrasound is. It was like we were watching Oscar on TV. You could see everything. He was opening and closing his mouth and his eyes, moving his hands and the best part....he looks EXACTLY like Logan. I mean it's kind of scary how much he looked like Logan. He wasn't in a great position to see if he has a dimple chin like Logan, but of the parts of his face I could see he looks just like Logan. My placenta has moved up and everything looks great. Oscar was making breathing movements which is a really good sign and already has hair. The doctor did move my due date up again from the 14th to the 9th, and said Oscar already weights about 5 lbs. I'm still thinking it's going to be the 14th or later, but Brian's convinced he's going to come on the 9th. It would be sort of cool if he did come on the 9th...we'd have a 09/09/09 baby. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...but man these next 4 weeks are going to both drag on and go by so quickly!

The delay in this post and posts in general was because last week was Camp Croix week, so we were camping and obviously away from the internet. I will try to get some camp pictures on the blog this week, but overall we had a great time! Logan loves the water and playing in the sand! More pics to come!

1 comment:

The Sherman's said...

awe! he DOES look like logie!!! what's that he's smooshed up against? his arm? leg? your belly?! i'm gonna go w/bmeyer in that oscar will be here before th 14th... he doesn't have a lot of room left in there! maybe he'll end up sharing a bday w/layla!