Monday, December 6, 2010

First Snow Fall

So I know it's been literally almost a month since the first snow fall...but I suck at blogging remember? So I'm going to post pictures from that first snow fall anyway! :-)

So what do you do when you're snowed in at home? Build a fort out of the couches and blankets with your cousins of course!! Debbie, Mike and the kids just happened to be staying with us the night of the first snow fall. It was a blast watching the kids playing together.


Our fort we built.


Logan's little feet...

Stella hiding...

Stella and Logan sleeping. (And yes he's wearing his hat...he really likes to wear his hats in the house..and out of the house).

Winter Wonderland

Then the other night Brian found this in the bathroom.



Yes they are Post-it flags all over his legs. He really liked taking them out and sticking them on his legs. Too funny!

Well I know I've really been slacking on the blog and I apologize. I'm going to do a few more posts tonight which will come out later this week and try to get things organized so I can blog more often. Sorry! :-)

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