Monday, January 17, 2011

Seattle Edition

So I promised to blog more...and I'm not starting the year off real great...

Last week was my 30th you all know already...but what you don't know is that Tuesday my wonderful husband and friends and co-workers planned a little surprise happy hour for me. Nothing major and something they threw together at the last min. but still really great!! I've got pictures and a video of me walking in (courtesy of Shutterbug) but haven't uploaded them yet. I'll get to that this weekend and post them for you.

Then Friday morning we headed out on a trip "far far away" to see the Jacobs. It's been forever since we've went to Appleton to see them and the trip was LONG overdue!! It was AWESOME! Brian had about 100 pounds of meat that he wanted to process with Luke at the meat market. When we got there on Friday him and Luke went straight to the market and started processing the meat. They called about about 7 and said that things weren't going very well and they'd be a little later than they had expected. When they got home, they informed us that they had broken the stuffer. Brian, the fixer that he is, tried to fix it but wasn't successful. This drove him crazy and he was bound and determined to fix it the next morning. In the morning they left to find the part they needed to fix the stuffer...which they did find...but it turned out that didn't fix things. So long story short, Brian told me this morning that the 'stuffer repair guy' couldn't fix the stuffer either; so it looks like Jacobs Meat Market is getting a new stuffer. I feel so bad and Brian's going insane. He told Luke to ship the stuffer to him and he'd fix it no matter what. :-) Awe, my little fixer!

Along with all the stuffer fixing we tried to do in Appleton, we also managed to squeeze in a ton of other things. Us adults managed to get out on the town, have a few drinks, throw some darts and swing some golf clubs at the Paper Valley. Then Saturday we took the kids to Monkey Joe's and let them run around. Logan LOVED that place. It took a while for him to get warmed up to it, but once he realized how much fun it was he was totally hooked. He went on one bounce thing about 393 times. After Monkey Joe's we took the kids back for lunch and naps. During nap time Angie and I headed to the mall for a Mani-Pedi and some shopping. Then after that we headed back to their place to watch the Packers kick some ass! It was the icing on the cake for a perfect weekend!!

Then Sunday morning we headed home across the state. We got home about 12 and then at 2 I had to leave for the airport and my trip to Seattle for work. The trip out here was good and things are going well...but talk about a whirl-wind weekend! Anyway...I had the best of intentions to take all kinds of pictures of the kids this weekend and of course didn't. I never seemed to have my camera when I needed it and the kids were always long gone by the time I got it. I really need to work on that!

OK...back to work for me. :-)

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