Monday, March 28, 2011

Logan's Baseball Birthday Party

Since I've been so far behind with things I'm not sure if it's better to go back and post all the pictures I've taken in the last few months or start with the most recent. I figured it's maybe easier to post the most recent so we'll post some from Logan's birthday party on Saturday.

It was a great party!! There was a ton of people there and we're so thankful for everyone that could make it!! My sister made it in from NYC and Steven came from Milwaukee, Mitchell and Jamie from Eau Claire! The whole family was together!! Almost the entire Meyer family was there. Mike and Deb had to go up north to Deb's Grandma's birthday I think. Logan was so upset that Stella wasn't going to be able to come to his birthday party. He kept asking over and over for her to be able to come. Finally I called Deb and asked her if it would be OK for Stella to just spend the weekend with us so she could come to the birthday party. I think Stella was as excited to come over for the weekend as Logan was to have her. He was so upset when she had to leave. :-)

So of course we'll start with a picture of Logan's cake! Although this year I didn't have a ton to do with it. Kim did most of the work! Thanks so much for your help with things this weekend Kim! You're the best!! Love ya!


I had asked everyone to wear their favorite baseball shirt to the party. Becky didn't have she made one! A great one!! What's better than a 'Team Logan' shirt?!?!



Kim and I had found these awesome white foam fingers at Michael's!! They made the perfect activity for the kids during the party. I got foam letters and stars that were adhesive on the back and markers and the kids had a blast decorating their own foam fingers!





Nicole Brown made Logan this AWESOME cape and mask for his birthday!! He just LOVES it and runs around the house yelling, "Super Logan to the rescue!!" :-) He makes Cody wear a Bib backwards as his cape. :-) I'm telling you...he never wants his brother to be left out of anything...


That's all I've got for party pictures...I didn't take a ton and realized I don't have one of Logan blowing out his candles...but I'm sure Kim or my Mom has one that I'll steal for the scrapbook!! ;-)

The last few pictures I'll post are of Logan enjoying his birthday present from Mom and Dad. We got him his first compound bow. He was so excited when Brian let him shoot it! He kept asking to shoot it over and over again! Him and Dad hit the target more times then they missed! And of course Mom had to shoot it with him! :-) Awwee...our little hunter...




April said...

WOW!!! Looks like an amazing party!! Kudos to you, mommy and daddy!! Love the pic of Logan and Brian w/ the bow - that's a framer for sure. And what a fab idea on the craft table. Where did you find the little white mits (or whatever you call those)!? Great job on the cake (as usual)! Happy Bday again Logan! We miss you!!

Tee said...

I got the White Foam Fingers at Michael's. Thanks Apes! Miss you too!