Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring is finally here!

YEAH!!! Spring is finally here! It was SO nice to get outside tonight and let the boys play on the play center and run off some energy...speaking of running off some energy, we took our first family run tonight. Brian and I signed up for the Health Heart 5K with my parents on April 16th, so tonight we took the boys for a run outside! It was fun...well except the part about pushing the boys up a pretty steep hill...that kinda sucked. They both weigh about 30 pounds pushing an extra 60 pounds while running definitely changes your pace and breathing. :-)

I've been trying to get some good pictures of 'Super Logan' but for some reason the boy has developed this phobia of the camera and WILL NOT let me get a good picture of him. He likes taking pictures of other people and loves to take my camera now and take pictures of me...most of those pictures will never be shown on this But getting a picture of Logan is near impossible these days.

I don't really have much else to add...last weekend we did girls night which was a TON of fun! It was so good to see some of the girls that I haven't seen in a year or more. Plus I desperately needed a Pedicure so that was nice!

This weekend is painting Becky's house for Peter's graduation party. I'm hoping we can get most of it done on Saturday because it's suppose to be 70 degrees on Sat. and Sun...although there's a chance of rain too. But who cares right? Maybe we'll get out and try the boys rain boots and let them stomp around in the mud puddles. Logan's been asking for a few days to, "go to the petting zoo and have a picnic". I would LOVE to do that with him and can't wait until we can! I just need to figure out when that will happen. Maybe we'll get one or the other in this weekend...

OK Brian's sleeping on the couch and has been for about 2 hours now. This has become a regular occurrence at the Meyer Ranch...Tee working while we watch the nightly news or a little Trailer Park Boys and Brian falling asleep on the couch...then Tee waking him up to go to bed about 10:30 or 11. :-)

Happy Friday everyone! I'll try to get pictures on the blog from this weekend...even if they are of Logan running and hiding! :-)

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