Monday, July 11, 2011

Growing up

Lately Logan's been asking me a lot of questions which circle around things grown ups can do and things kids can do. He'll say to me, "Mom only bdults can to [insert something only an adult should do]". Yup he says bdult instead of's super cute!

Then last night this is the conversation during bath:

Logan: Mom I want to be a bdult

Me: Why?

Logan: Cause bdults can stay up late.

Me: Buddy, being an adult isn't all it's cracked up to be. We have responsibilities and bills and have to go to work. Stay a kid for as long as you possibly can.

Logan [now crying]: I want to be a bdult. I want to be a bdult.

Me: I'll trade places with you buddy. You can go to work for me and I'll stay home and color and swing and watch cartoons. I think being a kid is way better than being an adult.

Logan [still crying]: I don't want to be a kid. I don't want to be a kid.

It was so cute and funny. I had to blog it cause someday I'll tell him, "See I told you to stay a kid for as long as you could!" :-)

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