Last weekend we really got into the Holiday spirit around the Ranch. Kim came over and we baked cookies. This year we did about 8 different kinds, which is nothing compared to what Kelly and her Mom and sister do. I think Dan said they did 18 different kinds this year...insane!! But they're always super good as were the ones we made this weekend.
The boys helped as much as they can at ages 2 and 1. Logan really liked pressing out the sugar cookies and I finally just gave up and gave Cody his own piece of cookie dough to play with. Logan was actually pretty good a frosting the cookies. And he didn't eat that much cookie dough or frosting!
Then Sunday morning we went and got our Christmas tree. We've got a Christmas Tree farm 2 miles from our house so we just decided to go there this year. We all got bundled up in our cold gear and headed out to the tree farm at 9 am. There was no one there when we got there so that was nice. We of course wanted to cut our own tree so we brought a sled with and loaded the boys in that and set out to find the perfect tree. Brian and I haven't actually paid for a Christmas tree yet...we usually get one off our land or get one from Dan and needless to say we were a little shocked at the tree prices. But we got over that and found the perfect tree. Logan blessed it and said it was the right one so Brian cut it down and off we went back to the barn. Mom was pulling the boys in the sled and Dad was pulling the tree on the plastic sheet they give you, everyone having a great time...until...Mom didn't see the tree stump under the snow and accidentally tipped the sled over. Whoops...poor Cody went face first into a big pile of while fluffy snow. The poor kid was not any one would be if they were given a full-on snow wash in 9 degree weather. I felt horrible and Brian was not happy with me. Poor Cody wouldn't stop crying, so our nice family outing turned into a crying-fest. We switched it up and had Dad pull the boys in the sled as fas as he could back to the barn and Mom pulled the tree. We passed a family we knew at one point and they were giving Brian crap about making me pull the tree...hehe...
After getting home and getting Cody warmed up in a nice hot shower the snow wash was fast least by Cody...he still loves me! That night we decorated the tree and Logan really got into it...see for yourself...
The Sherman's made the trek across the state this year for Thanksgiving. It was so great to see them!!! We went to my Mom and Dad's for Thanksgiving day. My Mom made a great meal! Thanks again Mom! She also planned ahead and got play-dough and color books/crayon's for the kids to play with after dinner. The kids had a blast and did really well!
Then Friday afternoon April Sherman, April Seiberlich and I took Logan and Layla to see Tangled. My Mom watched Cody; I knew he'd never be able to sit through the whole movie...I was worried about Logan sitting through the whole movie, let alone Cody. But the thing I didn't expect was as we were pulling out of my Mom's driveway Logan starts crying. He was very upset and when I asked him why he said, "Mom you forgot Cody. We need to go get Cody." When I stopped to think about it I realized that Logan and Cody don't do many things apart from each other. The poor kid thought we had left Cody behind. It was really sweet! The movie was really good and Logan did ok. It was in 3D and I didn't realize that. The glasses were too big for Logan and Layla so they didn't wear them, which wasn't a big deal. Logan did say about 20 min into the movie that he wanted to go home and get Cody. :-) He did ok after that...only had to go to the bathroom 3 times during the movie. I really really loved the movie though. Then afterward we went out for pizza. It was a really fun afternoon!
Saturday April and I got a chance to do some shopping in the morning and then Saturday night the 4 adults actually got to go out on the town...if you can say that about going to Sue's. :-) We just went to the bar for a few drinks and to listen to the band that was playing. It was a ton of fun and so good to get out just the 4 of us for a while.
The other interesting thing that happened that weekend didn't occur until Jake and April were leaving. Of course it's hunting season and Brian and Jake are cavemen at heart so they have a primal need to hunt things. Jake got a doe on Friday afternoon (Yeah Jake!!), and of course needed to take it back across the state with him to get it processed. Turns out him and Brian had a brain storm and decided to freeze the deer in the fetal position basically. They thought it would be funny to have the deer look as though it was just merely sleeping on top of the Envoy as they trekked it across the state. It was funny and sort of weird to see this deer laying on top of their car. See for yourself....
I guess they had a few people taking pictures of it as they made their way home. They also had one guy from Illinois cut them off and give them the figure...maybe he was with PETA...Oh our caveman husbands...we love you guys. :-)
So I know it's been literally almost a month since the first snow fall...but I suck at blogging remember? So I'm going to post pictures from that first snow fall anyway! :-)
So what do you do when you're snowed in at home? Build a fort out of the couches and blankets with your cousins of course!! Debbie, Mike and the kids just happened to be staying with us the night of the first snow fall. It was a blast watching the kids playing together.
Our fort we built.
Logan's little feet...
Stella hiding...
Stella and Logan sleeping. (And yes he's wearing his hat...he really likes to wear his hats in the house..and out of the house).
Winter Wonderland
Then the other night Brian found this in the bathroom.
Yes they are Post-it flags all over his legs. He really liked taking them out and sticking them on his legs. Too funny!
Well I know I've really been slacking on the blog and I apologize. I'm going to do a few more posts tonight which will come out later this week and try to get things organized so I can blog more often. Sorry! :-)