Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blogging community here we come....

So I've been "spamming" our family and friends for the last year or so with updates every 4-5 weeks and have finally decided to just start a blog. This way family and friends can check in with us any time they want instead of me sending out "spam" updates, especially with Cletus on the way, I'd probably be sending out those "spam" updates every week with new pictures of the baby.

I'll give you the heads up now, the Meyer Ranch is not all that exciting of a place, although there have been incidents of electrocution, large potentially hazardousness fires, and things getting shot at during hunting season, so I guess you never know what might happen.

Currently I'm 37 weeks pregnant and no I'm not tired of being pregnant yet and I don't think Cletus is ready to make his debut into this world yet either. He's still high in my rib cage kicking away. Brian and I decided not to find out the sex of the baby, so we don't know if it's really a little "Cletus" or not. I'm really hoping it is a "Cletus", but of course we'll be happy with a little girl as well. Everyone has declared to me that I am having a girl (based on how I'm carrying and just general gut feel) so I hope she doesn't mind we called her "Cletus" for the first 9 months of her life. I'm posting some pictures of the ultrasound. People have said they can determine the sex of the baby from one of the ultrasound pictures, so I take your best shot and let me know what you think...we'll see if you're right...


JacobQSherman said...

I am Super Pumped There'sa and B Meyer I've been waiting for this day to arrive. You have your first devoted fan. When are the T-shirts going into print....CLETUS the FETUS for President

The Sherman's said...

YEAAHHHH!!!! WELCOME TO BLOG LAND!! whoopi di dooo!!! Now we can add your blog to ours as a "favorite". :)

Tee said...

I'm not sure if Cletus will run for President quite yet...maybe he'll start with Osceola Town Mayor. CLETUS the FETUS for O-Town Mayor shirts could start production soon...

JacobQSherman said...

If Cletus is a Girl she will have to be called Clitorus

JacobQSherman said...

When the shirts hit the production line put a hold on one for me. Mens Large 50/50 cotton poly blend please

TammyJayne said...

I'm going to say BOY, although the first ultrasound pic has two white lines "down there" which is making my think girl. Maybe cuz whatever I wanted, I had...but you won't care once C.T.F comes out is the most exciting thing EVER!

Anonymous said...

totally a boy, you can see a "thingy" in the first pic!