Last Sunday Nicole Brown came over and painted the nursery for us. Didn't she do an AMAZING job?! I love it and find myself just going into the nursery and staring at the wall. It makes me even more excited for Cletus to arrive. THANK YOU so much auntie Nicole!! You're the best! Brian finished the closet in the baby's room on Tuesday night too, so now the only thing left to do is organize all the stuff we've gotten and figure out if there's anything else we need. I think we're good with pretty much everything, except maybe diapers...but can you ever have enough diapers....
Tonight we're going shopping for the rest of the supplies for the master bathroom. Brian's goal this weekend is to get the floor tiled and the shower ready for tile. He's between sports season's right now (wrestling ended last weekend and girls softball doesn't start until March 10th) so it's a good time to get a lot of things done. This week he's already gotten so much done on the house, the laundry room is finished (sealed the groute, finished the trim and Carey the wash tub is done now too, so now I'll be able to tell you if I like it or not...), he hooked up the humidifier to the furnace, and finished the baby's closet.
Not much else planned at the Meyer Ranch this weekend. Girls night at Nicole Brown's Saturday night. Normally these girls nights get totally out of control, but seeing as me, Nicole Brown and her friend Terri are all pregnant something tells me it will be a pretty mellow girls night.
GNO?? Nice. I need a good GNO, that's for sure. Naked pillow fights and everything. ;)
Yes, Nicole, great job on the painting! Looks fab!
Now, here's my Friday afternoon question to everyone: How many bottles of wine are in a case? 12? Not 24. Right? And, is it silly to buy a case of the best wine I've EVER had for $108 v. stopping at "Downtown Beverage" every Fri night for a bottle? Mmmmm... Wine.
I'd LOVE a glass of wine! Cletus hurry up and get here your mama needs a drink! I think it's 12 bottles in a case...but I never know either...
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