Side Note: Logan just LOVES the shirt he has on in the video. Grandma Meyer got it for him for Halloween. He thinks it's so cool cause it lights up. He wants to wear it every day. I've had to wash it almost every day this week for him. Oh well, it makes him happy!
Sherri helped Logan with the knife work.
This is what Cody was doing while we were carving pumpkins.
The finished products. The one on the left is suppose to be an L and a C for Logan and Cody.
Here's a preview of what Logan and Cody will be wearing on Saturday. Logan's daycare is having a Halloween party today so he got to wear his costume today as well. As for Cody he's got three costumes...or well...really onesies. He's going to wear the Ghost one for actual Halloween, but here's him in his bones one below.
Things have been going well here. Brian's out in ND hunting right now, but should be back tonight or tomorrow. Then he's got another week of paternity time off. It's going to be great having Daddy home with us for a week...then Mom's back to work! :-(
Cody's really smiling a lot these days. Here's a video I took of him the other day. He really likes his changing table and smiles pretty much every time you put him on it...that and cause you're taking off his clothes and he likes to be naked.
As for Logan...well he's just at the "I can get into really EVERYTHING" stage. He'll push his little stool over to the counters and can reach almost all the way to the back, so literally nothings safe on the counters. He's figured out how to open the doors now too...only twice have I found him out in the garage playing. Yes he can open the door to the garage...stinker!
Here's a couple pictures of the boys during bath time. Both Cody and Logan love their baths.