Logan recently rediscovered the Wii and asks to play it every now and then. He really likes Wii bowling and Wii baseball. Brian and him were playing the other day...see the scores below for results...those are legit scores by the way. Brian did not let him win. Seems we might have an athlete on our hands...if you consider bowling a sport that is... ;-)
Remember when we had all this snow?!? Logan was super excited when it finally snowed and could not wait to go outside and play in it. The boys played outside for over an hour, luckily it wasn't too cold, and the only reason they came in was cause it was getting dark out. Logan's favorite part of the snow was making snow angels! Well that and Mom pulling him around in the sled.
Logan really wanted to make a snow man, but that particular snow fall was not the snowman-making kind. He's been waiting not-so patiently for the next snow fall and has informed me that we'll be making a snowman when it happens. He said our snowman will have a carrot for a nose and coal for his eyes. Note to self: go to the store and buy carrots in case it snows.
Logan and Cody LOVE to build Blinds and pretend to hunt things! The other day Logan was working on building a blind with the couch cushions. As you can see his brother was a HUGE help! He did pretty well if you ask me.
A few weeks ago Brian had built a blind and the boys were hiding out in it calling to the ducks. Brian threw a paper air plane by the blind and the boys would shoot them out of the 'sky' and then hurry out of the blind and find their 'ducks'. It was pretty cute and the boys just LOVED it and thought it was super cool.
Brian definitely has a couple of hunters on his hands. They get so excited when they get to wear their hunting clothes and pretend hunt with daddy. I can only imagine when they can really hunt with their father. Logan asked the other day if he could go to 'Norf Dakota' with Daddy hunting. :-) Then Mom will be in Heaven cause I'll have the house to myself!!
My New Year's Resolution is to take more pictures and blog more. I know I've said this a MILLION times before, but I've been looking back at the blog recently and really miss documenting my children as they grow. Since I had a little time on my hands now I figured I'd get started! You might see a few old pictures/videos from the last few months, but the kids are still cute and funny so I'm sure you'll be OK with it. I'm planning on getting a new camera soon so hopefully the videos won't be so dark and the pictures will be better quality.
I know that this video is pretty old, but I came across it the other day and thought I'd share it. It's from October on a really really warm night. The boys thought it was the coolest thing to help Daddy wash his truck with their shirts off. They are such little helpers! They're usually always ready to help you with something, even when you'd rather they just watch or go play. Logan and I were making cookies the other day and he turns to me and says, "Thank you sooo much Mom for letting me help you make cookies". It just melts my heart...
Logan really likes to wrestle and one night no one wanted to wrestle with him, so I told him to ask Daddy to show him some wrestling drills that he could do by himself if he wanted to wrestle. While this got Dads attention and got him right off the chair and into 'coach' mode! :-) It's pretty funny watching him teach Logan some moves and Logan just LOVES it! Oh and if you're wondering what Cody was doing during all this you'll have to watch until the end to find out...trouble maker...