Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ranch Hands

Monday Nicole and Frank Welsch came over to help on the Ranch. Unfortunately there wasn't too much to do since Brian had shown me how to do everything the day before, but we still found a few chores to do. We fed the sheep and pheasants and planted some pumpkins, weeded the garden a little bit and watered my flowers.

It was so great to see Frank and Nicole. Nicole thank you so much! You and I are literally two peas-in-a-pod and I'm so glad that our lives crosses paths and we became friends. You always know how to cheer me up and make me laugh! Plus you're just dead sexy in your farmer overalls!! :-)




A few pictures of the boys. Brian's aunt gave us a hamper with some bears painted on it and she must not have realized that her son Eric's pjs were still inside. Logan LOVED them though, since he's on a pj kick in general right now and always wants to wear his pajamas's all day long. The funny thing is Erc's like 8 or something so the pjs were size 6/7. Logan put them on right over his shorts and shirt and was running around like crazy! Nevermind the fact that it was 80-something outside and they were heavy winter jammies... :-)


MOM! These jammies are the BOMB! Look how fast they make me run!

HAHAHA! Logan you look ridiculous! HAHAHAH!

Mom stop taking pictures of me while I'm eating...seriously!

Yeah Mom we're eating our hotdogs...leave us alone!

We will defeat you if you don't stop it!

OK I'm done with my hotdog, but I'm annoyed with you so I won't smile...take that Mom.

Mom I can't wait until I can help dump the corn into the sheep feeder. I like my wagon, but feeding the sheep seems like more fun.

Baby of Steel! Cody loves to crawl around outside. He always wants to get down and play in the sand, in the mud, and even in the gravel on the driveway. He'll crawl right over the gravel without even flinching. He loves to play with the gravel in his hands and of course put the rocks in his mouth... :-)

Mom and the boys

Dirty little mouse legs!!

I've got a few more little videos I'll share later...

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