While the Sherman's were up we also took the boys out to Mikey and Debbie's cabin for a pontoon ride and a little fishing. Logan and Layla both caught fish. I don't actually think it was Logan's first fish, but it's the first fish we got on camera...so that will have to do! Both L kids were pretty excited to catch a fish! It was super cute!!
Logan and Cody driving the Pontoon.
Cody boozing it up again...kids already an alcoholic!
The fish swung in and accidentally touched her...don't worry Layla Girl I'd do the same thing!! :-)
The Monday the Sherman's came to stay with us April and I took the kids to Como Zoo. It was a ton of fun!
Here's a few shots and a couple cute videos...
A little blurry, but still cute!
I love you Layla Girl!! :-)
Waiting to go on the swings. They were pretty excited to go on the swings!
This picture makes me laugh. They were so excited to go on the swings and once it started to go Layla's face went sheet white. She was like, "Oh shit what did I get myself into." Logan was laughing and kicking and having a blast, but Layla was just kind of sitting there holding on like, is this ride over yet...? Poor girl.
Cody got to go to his first Twins game on July 15th with Auntie Kim! It was a lot of fun! Logan was pretty excited to go. It ended up being a really long game, but the boys did pretty well. We let Logan run around on the wheel-chair ramp for a while to blow off some energy. Kim did Twin-o-grams for both the boys! Unfortunately Logan's got a little messed up and ended up saying "Hi Hogie" instead of "Hi Logie". We called him Hogie the rest of the night...it was pretty funny! Thanks Kim for a great night!! Can't wait to go to another game!!
So I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures from Kim and Brad's wedding on July 10th.
Great Grandma Meyer
Debbie and Stella
Mikey and Weston...he's showing me how he got Weston to sleep the night before. I guess Weston liked it and actually fell asleep...seems kind of smelly to me... :-)
Aaron and the other Theresa
Angie, Joelle, Kim, and Lisa
Logan was off playing with the games and running around.
As many of you know I LOVE Sugarland and they just released a new single on Friday called "Stuck Like Glue" and it couldn't have been at a better time! Today is Brian's birthday and this song says it all!
Happy Birthday Babe! I'm 'Stuck Like Glue' to you!!
NOTE: Sorry the video was a recording of their concert at Country Jam in Eau Claire WI. I didn't go to Country Jam, but stole it from someone on YouTube! Gotta love YouTube! :-)
Just a quick post today; I've got pics from Brian's cousin Kim's wedding this weekend that I'll post later in the week. For now a short video and a few pics of the boys on a pink bike. Angie and Brad gave us this pink bike to give to Becky so that she had toys at her house for the kids to play with when they came over. Well of course the bike sat in my trunk for a month or so before Logan saw it one day when I was unloading the groceries and immediately started screaming, "My bike! My bike!" and wanted to ride it. Now I don't think we'll be able to give it up...Cody loves it just as much as Logan does. Oh well I guess...riding a pink bike isn't the end of the world. It's not like Logan plays with purses or wants to wear makeup or headbands or anything...wait...he does do all those things...crap...
With all the excitement of Brian coming home and the 4th of July, I forgot to let everyone know that Cody has taken his first steps!!
He did it for the first time on Friday night right after Brian got home. He was so excited to see Daddy!!
Our super nanny, April (whom we love by the way!), got a few video's of him taking some steps. He's totally doing the drunken sailor walk, but it's so cute and exciting!! For some reason though he'll only walk away from the end-table that he's holding onto in these videos. If you stand him up any where else he just plops down and crawls. He's always really liked that table, not sure why, but he has...so maybe it's a comfort thing. Either way it won't be long and he'll be running around with Logie Bear!!
Oh and he turned 10 months old yesterday...10 MONTHS!!
Not sure why, but YouTube cut off the last couple of seconds of these videos...but you get the drift!!
I hope everyone had a Fantastic 4th of July!! It was awesome for us, mainly because Daddy was home and we really missed him!!
Brian got home from training Friday night and didn't have too much time to get comfortable at home before we packed the Explorer to the brim and headed up north to Cottor's cabin. Logan had been looking forward to going to the beach for a few days and was super excited to see Stella again! It seems to be our annual tradition now to head up to Jan and Dennis Cottor's cabin in siren and enjoy the festivities! I'm very glad to say that it's not only our family tradition, but the entire Meyer families tradition...I hope! Bob and Carey and the girls were there, Mike and Deb came with the kids, Ben and Nicole where there with the kids as well and a ton of other people!
Part of the festivities is a HUGE fireworks show! This year was extra special since Jason Cottor was home from the military and Dennis went above and beyond on the fireworks this year!! Unfortunately Logan didn't really like them. Every time they would go off, and I mean EVERY time, he'd ask, "What's that?". Oh well maybe next year he'll get a kick out of them...Cody slept through them this year...no idea how he did that with the explosions literally right next to us and all the debris that was falling on us.
The weekend can be summed up with one word for me...sunburn. I got completely fried at the beach on Saturday. I bet your wondering right now why I didn't put sunscreen on myself after I caked it layer-by-layer on the boys...answer: I'm brain dead. No other excuse than I totally forgot and didn't even think about it. Here are a few pictures from the beach...
Uncle Dan rented a Jet-ski for the day!! It was a blast!! Logan didn't really like it all that much, but some day I'm sure we won't be able to keep him off of it!
Then Sunday it was back home for a party at my parents house. It was a blast as well!! Steve and Uncle Zeke won the bean bag tournament...Brian and I did not do well at all!
Cody showing his patriotic spirit!!
My sunburn...my stomach and chest where burned but not as bad.
Grill Master Steffen!
Uncle Fats!
This year the hit was the driveway chalk. Almost everyone got in on the action of tracing people in the driveway. :-) Logan
Auntie Kim
Grandpa...and I believe Sherri and Cody also were traced.
Logan's other favorite thing to do that day was run through the sprinkler. Uncle Steve ran through it with him. Thanks Uncle Steven!!
Love this picture.
And Mom got in on the action as well...
Grandma Johnson showing us her Bean Bag skills!
Auntie Kim
Getting ready for Fireworks!
Cody was super tired and his hair was so gunked up with sunscreen and bug spray!
At first Logan didn't know what to think of the sparklers...but after a while he really liked them and as soon as they'd burn out would ask for another one!