Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Mom

We're driving in the car last night and this is the conversation...

Logan: [mumble mumble mumble from the backseat]

Me: "What bud?"

Logan: [mumble mumble mumble from the backseat]

Me: "What buddy? Can you say it again?" [I lean closer to the back seat]

Logan: "No Mom, I'm not going to say it again. I already said it TWICE!"

Me: heheh "I can't hear you. Can you say it louder so I can hear you?"

Logan: "No Mom, I'm not going to say it louder. I'll get in trouble for being loud."

Me: [laughing] "Then I guess I'll never know what you said."

That kid I tell you is so hard to discipline. He's always toeing the line. Although I'm not really sure if that's considered talking back to me or just being a's hard to tell some times. :-)

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