Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Before I left on maternity leave the project at work that I've been on for the last year and a half was just about ready to ship. (Meaning the software is ready to go to the customers.) They managed to finish the software successfully without me...although I'm not sure how they managed...[wink, wink] :-) So last Friday the team had our celebration event for finishing the software. The entire team went to the Vine Park Brewery and got to brew their own beer. It was pretty fun and it was Logan's first trip to a brewery! There are some pictures here of my team members and of course of Logan and mom in the brewery. We get to go back in a couple weeks to bottle and taste our beer. I'm looking forward to it, I've never brewed my own beer before...I hope it's good!

Also last Friday when I got home from the brewery, I got a call from my mom. Here's how it went:

Mom: Hi, are you busy?
Me: No, not really.
Mom: Do you have company?
Me: Brian's cousin Brad is coming over, and Dan is here, but other than that no.
Mom: Oh, cause your Dad and I were missing someone and wanted to stop over.
Me: Oh, you miss Logan. Sure you can stop over.
Mom: No we miss you! But if we happen to see Logan too that's ok.
Me: [Laugh] Sure you miss me...right. That's fine though stop over.
Mom: Ok, see ya in a bit.

Needless to say Grandpa and Grandma Steffen LOVE Logan! Here's some pics of grandma and Logan. Logan loves grandma too, Dan's convinced Logan won't cry if Grandma Steffen is around. If that's true then Mom you might need to move in.... :-)


JacobQSherman said...

Pods and Pod Communicators Unite....Hhooooaaahhh!

Anonymous said...

I think logan is as scared as we all were when mom (grandma) tries to kiss us!!!!


Anonymous said...

We brewed and bottled beer at this brewery to serve at our wedding reception - and it was really good! You'll enjoy it!