Monday, January 19, 2009

10 Months Old

Logan's 10 months old today. And I'm most happy to announce that he got his tooth this weekend. No more purple tooth! Saturday night was a little rough, but Sunday it finally showed up. I was hoping that was why he got a horrific diaper rash and was not sleeping...and I was right. That was pretty much the most exciting thing that happened this weekend...other than Brian losing his phone...again...luckily he did find it in the bus on Sunday when he went back to look for it, so that crisis was averted. We got free HBO and Cinemax this weekend so Logan and I just hung out at home watching movie after movie. Mom did manage to clean the house a little, but didn't do her paper for school...guess I'll have to tackle that job tonight. Brian's got a JV wrestling match tonight and then tech club tomorrow night so it will be Logan and Mom for the next couple days. I'll try to get some video of his new thing he does. If you start laughing he'll start fake laughing cause he thinks you're laughing at him. It's so funny.

Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

The Sherman's said...

He cannot be 10 months old already! He CAN'T be. Logan, what did I tell you!?!? Slow down! Stop growing! Just wait and we'll see you in March for our big Meyer / Sherman vacation!!!