Friday, June 18, 2010


In corporate America we send and receive a LOT of e-mails...e-mails about everything under the sun and my favorite is when you send someone an e-mail and they respond back with one word, "Thanks." Really? I mean I appreciate the effort of letting me know that you're appreciative of what I told you or am going to do for you, but you just filled my inbox with another e-mail with only one word in it. Anyway...this mini rant is all pre-courser for telling you about my friend Joe. I always enjoy getting Joe's e-mail cause he always includes something hilarious in them. Whether it's a link to a youtube video, a top ten list of some kind, or some other comedic sentence or two, it's always hilarious and never boring receiving e-mails from Joe! Oh and he almost never sends the obligatory, "Thanks" e-mail. :-) Here's the youtube video link I received from him this morning. I was crying I was laughing so hard. I'll try to post other hilarious video's I get from Joe. Enjoy!


April said...

I love that he keeps hitting the guy in the audience w/ what's left of his bag. This guy is hilarious!

Tee said...

That was my favorite part too! :-)

Unknown said...

I love those "thanks" emails. And most of the time their signature also says thanks, so they're being redundant!! lol

ThingOne said...

Nice post, thanks.