Thursday, July 17, 2008

Logan's new brother!

First off NO I AM NOT PREGNANT AGAIN! Last night we went and picked up our new puppy, Logan's new brother! Originally BMeyer was trying to decide between the tall yellow lab standing or the chocolate lab laying down on the left with it's eyes open in the following picture.

However, we ended up getting the chocolate lab laying down on the right with his eyes closed. Yes April it the one that you wanted me to pack up and send to you. He's so cute. When we went to pick him up Brian was still trying to decide between the two male chocolate labs. But he saw this one head over to the tall weeds and pinch out a crap and...well...that was that. We all know how BMeyer hates landmines in the yard...and well I hate them too! So we scooped him up and headed home. He did great on the car ride home, didn't whine at all and did even better last night. At first we put him in the kennel in the garage and he just screamed! So then Brian moved him to the big kennel outside the garage and he was just fine. We also gave him one of Logan's stuffed animals to chew on/play with/cuddle with and I think that helped.

We don't have a name picked out yet. We're kind of making a contest out of it. This Saturday at Meyermainia we're going to have people write names and put them into a basket, then Sunday morning we'll read all the names and pick one we like. I'm sure as the night progresses we'll get more colorful answers! :-) If you're unable to attend Meyermainia but wanted to weight in on the name of the new puppy please add a comment to this post and we'll add it to the pot on Saturday.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday at Meyermainia III!


The Sherman's said...

Heyyyy! That's MY puppy! Stealers!
Here are the names we'd like added to the pot for Sat:
Comeer (pronounced "come 'eer") (kidding on that one)
Please don't name him "Hunter"... that's our next kid's name.

Tee said...

:-) I said Buck too, but it's too much like "Bo" they dogs might get confused. And you don't have to worry about us naming him Hunter cause the dog could get confused between "Hunt 'em up" and his name. So that ones out. I like Trigger though.

Anonymous said...

Oooh I like Gauge

Lindsey said...

How 'bout Petey? (as in P.T. ~ as in "polished turd")?
-Ok, I was kiddin' on that one, too.

If I think of something good, I will let ya know ;)

Lindsey said...

Ok, I'm back....
Coffee (can't live w/o it, just like your doggy).
Willy (call him William when you are mad at him)
Willy Wonka
Charlie (ok, you’re getting the point now cuz he’s a chocolate ;)

Also, I think it’s funny and kind of weird in a good way when people name their dogs: Frank, or Dave, or Bob, STEVE etc. LOL. People names….