Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Meyermania III

Meyermania III was the calmest of the three Meyermania's so far. The turnout was less than in years past, but we still had about 25 people there and it was still fun. It rained...scratch that it poured early in the afternoon. You can see from the pictures we all hid inside the garage. It took us longer to finish the first keg, but it was finished about 8 p.m. and then we started the keg toss. This year they called it a three way tie between Mikey Meyer, Jason (a.k.a Pete) Steffen and Ben Brown. We even had a powder puff division of the keg toss this year! Debbie and I called it a tie between us. Go Debbie! :-) Then everyone pretty much got their drink on, the second keg went way faster than the first keg. The rest of the night was spent in a blur, although I do remember playing bean bag toss! Thanks to everyone that attended! I can't wait until next year!

Logan's 4 month check-up yesterday went very well. Again the doctor said we have a perfect baby. He said he's very alert and curious for a 4 month old and was impressed by how long he can play in his jumper. Logan also got his 4 month boster shots after a very lengthy discussion about vacinations and all the media linking them with autisum. Logan did much better after his shots this time then when he was 2 months old. He didn't get a fever this time and his legs weren't even that sore. He was standing and rolling over like normal. He weight in at 15 lbs 4 oz (55th percentile) and 25 inches long (60th percentile) so he's average. I'm trying to get some footage of him rolling over, but everytime I get the camera out he just lays there and looks at me. He's also discovered his toes. He loves to pull on them and suck on them. It's so funny! Oh and Logan had a blast with my mom and dad on Saturday night. Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa for watching Logan! We love you!

And finally...

Full name: Logan's Chocolate Tank
Alias: Tank
To chew everything I can find.
Lick Logan to death.
Annoy Ruger by following him around and then laying on him.

Today I went out to the garden to weed and I had put Logan on a blanket on the ground to play with his toys. After about 10 min. he just started screaming, I look over and Tank is sitting on his head trying to play with him. It was scary and hilarious at the same time. Brian ran over and picked Tank up and put him in his kennel. Logan was fine, not even a scratch on him, but he's not really into Tank yet. I guess I've learned my lesson the hard way...can't leave the baby and the puppy alone together.

1 comment:

The Sherman's said...

aww! i didn't even realize when i made my last post about our tank that you named the pup 'tank'! love it. although, i'm mad i didn't think of it first.
oh, and glad to hear meyermania wasn't totally rained out and that logan was w/g'pa and g'ma. i kept wondering if he was there thru the whole thing!