My little Logie Bear you're now two years old and it completely blows my mind how fast the last two years have gone by. I know I'll say this every year on your birthday (as well as Cody's) but it does truly amaze me how quickly you grow and change.
You're still wearing 18 month clothes; although most days it does look like you're waiting for a flood. You love your "flashy shirt" (the shirts Grandma Meyer gave you that light up) and hate wearing sweatshirts. You love wearing things on your head though and usually have some sort of hat on even if it's a bucket or pillow or dish of some sort. You're 100% boy. You LOVE the 4-wheeler rides and tractor rides Daddy takes you on; you're constantly trying to figure out how things work or how to take them apart. You only have to watch your Dad or I do something once and you're already trying to imitate what we've done. You don't care in the least if your dirty and the other day you were giggling with delight when you found the mud puddle at the end of the driveway. You LOVE being outside and will push your lawnmower up and down the driveway just talking to yourself for hours.
We've been struggling the last few months to get you to eat at home. You eat great at daycare, but it's a constant challenge to get you to eat your dinner at home. You are always asking, "Milk Please Mom", "Juice Please Mom", "Wawa Please Mom". You'd much rather drink yourself full rather than eat. Although you love your noodles and would eat Mac 'N Cheese every night for dinner if your father and I would let you.
I love that when you're playing, you'll throw your bag over your shoulder, walk out of the room and shut the door saying, "Bye Mom. See you later", leaving on some adventure known only to you. I can already see signs that you may have an annal side to you. The other day you came downstairs with a bag full of balls, but not just any balls, only the yellow balls from your ball bin. When you play with the Wii controllers you line them up and have to have them all touching, facing the same way with the wrist straps laid out just perfect. Playing with your blocks is the same way; only the red blocks can go together and when Mom tries to give you a blue block for your stack you get upset and say, "No Thank You Mommy" in your mad voice.
Speaking of your voice, it's one of the most angelic sounds I've ever heard...well when you're not screaming or telling me no...and even then you say "Nope" in such a cute little high pitched voice it makes me smile just thinking about it. I love that you're starting to talk more, expanding into actual stories now. It's still a bit of a puzzle to actually interpret what you're saying some times, but it's fun and Mom's learning more and more every day how to speak Loganese.
You are Cody's hero...even though you've knocked him over so many times and tried to squeeze him until his head pops off. Even still he always lights up when you walk into the room. When you're playing, you'll randomly stop and give Cody a kiss and it just melts my heart that you love him so much. I find myself stopping some times just too look at you and try to savor every min of you being this age. Sure you're stubborn at times, but most the time it's so amazing to watch you discover the world around you. I love being able to relearn things with you and find excitement in the ordinary every day things such as a passing airplane or cows in the field. You've taught your father and I so much, not the least is how to love someone so unconditionally. I pray every day that we're teaching you how to respect the people and things around you as well as how to work hard for what you want in life.
Your father and I love you so much little Bear! Happy Birthday!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday you adorable little Bear! I miss you so much and am sad that I missed your party, but am looking soooo forward to seeing you for the Meyer/Sherman vacation in two weeks! Love you!!! xoxo, Auntie April
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