I was away in Florida for work though so I guess I could use that as an excuse. Although I did have some free time on the trip and could have blogged...
The trip was AWESOME! I went for an Agile Scrum Alliance Conference and it was seriously a great trip. The conference was really good; I learned a lot of things and met a ton of great people. The hotel I stayed at was super cool! Gaylord Palms Hotel was the name of it and it was HUGE. It had two pools and a spa right in the hotel. I got a massage, read TWO, yes TWO whole books cover-to-cover, went to bed early and slept in late (which means I slept until 7:30). It was so relaxing. I would have loved to have the kids and Brian there with me, but I also really needed the solo time as well.
My little Cody Mouse you are 6 months old now!! I just cannot believe how fast these last 6 months have gone by! And really the last year! I'm a week away from writing Logan's 2 year post...that's right 2 YEARS OLD!! What!? I have a two year old? How is that even possible? Most days I feel like I can barely take care of myself...how can I also be responsible for two other people's lives?
Cody is SOOOOOO close to crawling it's not even funny! Here's a picture of him up on his hands and knees.
He'll get up on all 4s and sort of rock back-n-forth on this hands and knees. He hasn't fully mastered the concept of moving his hands forward though and usually ends up doing a face-plant into the carpet instead of crawling forward, but I don't think it will be long now before he's up and full-on crawling. Although don't get me wrong, he can get around now. You put him down on one side of the room and he'll be on the other side of the room before you know it. Reaching and stretching for toys or blankets. He hasn't gotten any teeth yet, but is still drooling like crazy!! Note the huge drool marks on my shoulders in the picture below.
We also got Grandma Meyer's walker back and he's been scooting around the kitchen in the walker lately...well that is when Logan's not occupying it. I think Logan likes it better now than he did when he was Cody's age. We try not to let him in it cause I just know one day he's going to break it, but the kid is fast and kind of hard to get out once he's in. Having the walker is a great thing though. Cody, like Logan, likes to see what's going on, so it's nice to be able to wheel him into the kitchen when I'm cooking dinner and he can watch Logan playing on the floor or just feel better that he's included in the action.
Logan is going through a few stages/phases right now...
1) He LOVES suckers. (Note he's got one in the picture below). He asks for them as soon as he gets home from daycare, first thing in the morning, before dinner, after dinner...you get the point. The problem is I ran out of them about a week and a half ago...but for some reason Logan just hasn't gotten that into his head yet. He still points at the same brown bowl with the candy in it and goes, "Sucker please Mom" and every time I have to respond, "Honey you eat them all. They're all gone." Now I could probably get more suckers (and I'm sure I will someday), but I can't help but think that would just feed the cycle more.
2) He has learned to say "No"...or really, "Nope" all the time now. It's not so much the fact that he says, 'Nope', but really the WAY he says 'Nope'. He says it in such a high-pitched Angelic voice and shakes his head back-and-forth. It's as if he's saying, "Nope Mom I'm not going to do what you want me to do, but thanks for asking, maybe next time I'll consider it." Little Stinker!
3) He does not want us to leave him at daycare any more. He'll walk into Julie's no problem, but once we're inside he does not want us to leave. Julie said he's fine about 2 min after we leave, but while we're there it's, "Hold Me Mommy. Hold me!" He'll start crying and reaching for us or running after us when we finally decide it's time to go. It breaks my heart every time I have to leave him there, but what other choice do I have? I have to go to work...I would love to just hang out with the boys all day long, but it's just not in the cards for us. I just keep telling myself, "I'm not a bad mother for going to work when my child is screaming and crying for me to hold him...I'm not a bad mother."
Brian recently taught Logan how to shake hands. He just did it spontaneously one morning before he left for work. Logan wouldn't give him a kiss for some reason, so instead Brian goes, "Can I shake your hand instead?" Logan thought it was really cool and will randomly come up to you and want to shake your hand. It's so funny and too cute!
Alright I'll sign off for now. I'm in class and I think the guy next to me is going to clock me for typing super loud...
Phase #3 reminds me of the Darius Rucker song "It won't be like this for long" someday soon he won't even know your gone. It will be like forget you mom, I'm outta here. :)
:-) Kim you're so right! I should be happy or well maybe not happy, but appreciate that he loves me so much that he doesn't want me to leave him because like you said some day way way too soon he won't even know I'm gone and it really won't be like this for long. Great now I'm sad... :-)
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