Not much going on at the ranch the last few days. Today we've got our 16 week check-up and Logan's 1 year appt. I'm sure I'll have updates tomorrow! :-) funny thing is that Logan figured out how to throw things away. I gave him an old receipt the other day and he walked over to the broom closet, opened the door, threw the receipt in, shut the door and walked away. I almost expected him to wipe his hands afterwards, look at me and say, "that's done Mom, what's next to clean up?" So now we'll have to watch him even more closely to make sure he's not throwing away our remotes or my camera like Layla did! ;-)
Crap....I think I was a day late with the happy birthday Carey post....but I'm just not sure?
No baby news with us, but I wanted to give an update with some baby news from our friends. Angie and Luke Jacobs are due at the end of July and are having a little baby girl! Debbie and Mikey are due at the beginning of August and are having a little baby boy! Yeah someone for Logan to play with! And Ben and Nicole are also due at the beginning of August and are having a little baby girl! Check out their blog for more info, they just had their 20 week ultrasound and she's posted pictures! We're so excited for all our family and friends! As for us we have our 16 week appt on Tuesday the 31st, not a big appt just listening to the heart tones again. But the next appt we should be getting our 20 week ultrasound as well. As of right now we are not going to find out the sex of the baby....well I should clarify...I do NOT want to know the sex of the baby...but Brian does. So as of now this is what's going to happen. Brian's going to ask the ultrasound tech to just go "down there" so that he can guess (not out loud, just to himself) what he thinks the sex of the baby is. He doesn't want the tech to say anything, he just wants to guess. Then he has sworn that he will not tell a single soul what he thinks it is. I'm not completely comfortable with this, but it is his child as well so if he wants to find out I have no right to stop him. I just don't want it to turn out that every one else knows what we're having and I'm the only one that doesn''s just kind of backwards.
Anyways, sort of a rambling post....Yeah it's hump day!!! And every day that passes is another day closer to summer! Bring it on! :-)
Ok, this is something I don't normally do on the fact have never done. But a friend of mine is really trying to earn a trip to Mexico through Party Lite and I told her I'd help her out if I here's the link to her website and the catalog Candle Girl. Take a look and let me know if there's anything anyone needs or wants. She only has until the end of March, so there's not much time left. Please don't feel obligated to purchase anything and I promise I WILL NOT make soliciting my friends a common occurrence. Thanks in advance!
Logan's birthday party was a huge success! I was nervous because the night before he was running a 103 temp due to his molars coming through. He was really tired all day, but still happy. He just loves having a lot of people around, it really energizes him and he doesn't want to miss any of the action...very similar to his uncle Dan! :-) There was no way he was going to take a nap during the party so we put him down before the party started and thankfully it was super nice out so we went for a walk and he slept on that as well.
Uncle Mitchell and Auntie Christie we missed you at the party! I've tried to get a good representation of pictures and videos so you can feel like you were there.
Logan playing with his birthday cups! Mom went a little overboard with the decorations :-)
Birthday boy looking at his doggies outside. See how tired he looks already...and the party hadn't even started yet. Poor guy.
We had the party out on the porch. It was a beautiful day and I love the porch because there's more then enough room for everyone!
Logan and his new hat from Uncle Mitchell and Jamie! It was a little big for him now, but he'll grow into it soon enough! Thank you! :-)
This was the gift of the day for sure! Uncle Dan and Kelly got Logan this Cozy Cruiser and he LOVED it! As you can tell by the smile on his face in this picture! He would not get out of it.
This was Logan's cake! And yes I did make it myself! I was so proud of this cake you have no idea. For those of you that know me, I'm not the greatest cook/baker, but I was bound and determined to make an awesome cake for Logan's birthday! It took a while to make, but it was worth it! Of course Logan could care less if he had an awesome cake or not, but I now I've got one under my belt the next one should be better...maybe... :-)
As you can see Logan wasn't very impressed with his cake. He was so tired and just didn't want to eat anything due to his teeth coming through. He eat some later that night with me, but just didn't want any right that instant. Poor kid.
As I said earlier it was so nice out that day that a bunch of us went for a couple walks later in the afternoon. The first walk Logan slept through, but the second walk he was awake. I let him out of the stroller to walk around for a little bit and he loved it! He loves picking up rocks and playing in the boy!! :-)
Ok, here are some random pictures that Sherri took. This one is hilarious! Told you he loves being naked!
One year ago today (actually at this exact time last year) I was driving to a prenatal massage appointment to help initiate labor....little did I know I was already in labor! :-)
Every day for the last year you've filled our lives with satisfaction and joy! Countless times I've been upset, sad or mad and one look at your beautiful infant face and it all just melts away. You're enthusiasm for life shows in everything you do, you're happy and playful and energetic; constantly on the go, looking for new things to discover. You make Mom and Dad laugh everyday, even if it's laughing at you throwing a temper-tantrum at 1 years of age. You're definitely stubborn and get mad when you're not able to do something, like carry all 4 of your puzzles and your teddy bear at the same time or if the big cup won't fit in the small cup like you want. But I can already tell you're going to be determined, hardworking and a people person. You're not afraid of strangers and run up to anyone that looks interesting just to say hi. I've seen you light up so many strangers faces just by walking up to them and giving them you're wide smile, making their day I'm sure!
Other activities you love to naked! You get so excited when you're naked, running around like finally I'm free! You love the water! No one is allowed to take a shower in the house unless Logan gets to take one with them. You walk right over and open up the shower door, with the hopeful look on your face, saying, "can I come in?" Even after the shower you walk back over to the door, open it and try to climb in hoping there's some level of water left to play in (hence the water stains on his clothes in the pictures :-) ) You love your doggies. When they're in the house you love to watch them play and eat and when they're outside you'll go to the window and look for them. You'll pound you're little fist on the window and yell, just like Mom and Dad do when they're looking for the dogs, it's so cute!
I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "You look just like your dad." "You look just like your mom", "You look just like Uncle Steven/Uncle Mitchell/Grandpa Steffen" But if you ask me you just look like my little Logie Bear, the perfect combination of your father and I. I love you so much and the only thing that makes me sad on this day is to realize how quickly time is getting away from us and how quickly you'll grow. Thank you for making your father and I so incredible happy and I promise to do the same for you. Love you and Happy Birthday!
P.S. You can finally play with the sand buckets and shovels you've been dieing to play with for the last week and a half! :-)
Brian and Theresa Meyer would like to announce the next release of adorable human-beings, Meyer Baby 2.0! This exciting new project went into development in late December and is currently 14 weeks into the development process. Expected release date is September 14th, 2009.
Both owners of this miracle project have been quoted as saying:
"We've had so much fun with the first release, Meyer Baby 1.0, we figured we'd give it another shot." - BMeyer and
"Meyer Babies are like can't have just one!" - Tee Meyer.
Unfortunately Meyer Baby 2.0 will not be for sale to the general public, but will be available for holding, loving, hugging and general over-all affection when ever possible.
Stay tuned for more news releases on the development of Meyer Baby 2.0 as the project progresses.
My sister got Logan the Radio Flyer Bounce and Rock Pony for his birthday. It's just a little too big for him, his feet don't quite reach the ground, but he still really likes it, as you can see from the videos. He usually doesn't stay on it for very long, but he is 11 months old and has a VERY short attention span!
This next picture you might notice a few things...first he's got his tooth brush because he's getting his molars and he's constantly sticking things in the way back of his mouth. He keeps gagging himself, so I thought maybe the tooth brush would help his gums feel I was putting away/playing with a few new things I got from Lancome (hence the Lancome box in his other hand) so the tooth brush helped to keep him occupied while I did that. The other thing you might notice is his ear is bleeding a little bit...the kid will not leave Brian's razors alone! The two things he does immediately when he enters our bathroom is either open the drawer with the razors in it or go to the toilet and play in the water. It's like he has a sixth sense for when these things are available and no ones watching. He's cut himself twice with the razor, once on his finger and once on this ear, but not once did he cry about it or even indicate that it hurt at all. I've now moved them out of the drawer and out of his reach, but seriously! Within the last two weeks it seems that if there is something Logan's not suppose to get into or do he finds it and does it. I know I know, that's what all kids do at this age and others are probably saying, "Oh just you wait, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better!", but Wow. You can never really appreciate these things until they happen to you. Plus I can't help but feel as though it's some sort of payback for how much of a trouble maker Brian was when he was little...I think we're in for much much bigger trouble to come... :-)
Oh and I wanted to say that Mitchell has been updating his blog, so if you're wondering about an update on him checkout the link to the left "Mitchell's Deployment". All-in-all he's doing well. We've booked our trip to go see him in a couple weeks! Very excited about that! We miss him like crazy and can't wait to see him!
So it seems to be turning into our Friday morning ritual at work to watch the hilarious video that Ben sends me on Thursday night. This one had my co-worker and I laughing so hard we couldn't breath! The other people in the office had to come over and make sure we were ok.
I WILL POST PICTURES OF LOGAN THIS WEEKEND! And maybe a video or two... :-)
Have a happy Friday and don't forget tomorrow is Pi day, so have yourself a little pie! (3.14159265 = March 14th at 1:59 p.m.) Yes I am a nerd! :-)
Sorry for the delay in posts. The end of last week was living hell for me. Thursday Logan got sick, throwing up and diarrhea. I left work early on Thursday to get him from daycare. Then Friday morning at 2 am, I woke up with the stomach flu that Logan had...only my up-chucking involved not being able to eat or drink ANYTHING without it coming back up. I literally thought I was going to die. After 12 hours of that we went into the hospital because I was dehydrated and concerned about the side affects. They recommended fluids and hooked me up to an IV for 4 hours and gave me 2 liters of fluids. I finally started to feel better after that, but wasn't able to eat anything other than bread until Sunday night. My stomach still doesn't feel right and I'm afraid to eat anything that's not too bland. Logan's feeling better as well, but now has the worlds worst diaper rash from the diarrhea...poor kid. The good news is we've all had this stomach flu and hopefully are done with it! We survived!!! The thing that sucks is I feel like I've been out of touch with reality for three days though...what do I do again? Where do I work?....uuurrrhhh
The good news is on Friday, our friends Dane and Sarah Brown had their baby girl!
Leyla Grace Brown born March 06, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. 8.2 lbs. 20".
The delivery didn't go as planned, but the important thing is Mom and Baby are doing great and Dad's the proudest Dad around!! We're so happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet her!!
I'll try to get some updated pictures of Logan on the blog this week...after I figure out what I'm suppose to be doing for a living....
This first video is of Logan on Nemo. Kim taught him to ride Nemo like a motorcycle. He'll get on it and start reving the handlebars like a bike and make the motor sound with his mouth. He just started leaning backwards sticking his butt forward when he does it...totally a boy! 100% a boy! He does it quickly towards the end of the video...of course as soon as the camera turns on he stops performing.
This second video is of Logan and the plastic bags. He reminded me of a little kid playing in the leaves at fall. He took the bags out of this drawer about 4 times yesterday and would just pick them up and throw them in the air like he does in the video. I finally took them all out and put them in the closet. Didn't want him to suffocate or choke on one of the bags.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, a little cold maybe, but no wind. So Brian, Logan and I got suited up in our winter wonderland gear and took a stroll around the ranch. Brian pointed out all the plans he has for his pond and other things in the woods. He gets very excited about what the future holds for the ranch. I wish I would have taken my camera with cause it was so beautiful in the woods, fresh snow and the dogs bouncing around chasing everything. It was so good to finally get out of the house and be able to enjoy the outdoors for a little while. I can't wait until spring!!