Thursday, July 9, 2009

Braxton Hicks

That's right the Braxton Hicks contractions have started!! Tuesday I was sitting at my desk at work and all of a sudden I really had to use the restroom...not a shocker it happens when you've got a little alien dancing on your bladder. But when I got up to go to the bathroom I noticed I had a hard time was really more of a waddle and my stomach was extremely tight. So I'm walking/waddling to the bathroom and one of my coworkers walks by and starts talking to me. After we chat for literally 30 seconds and I start on my trec to the bathroom again I notice my stomach isn't tight anymore and I can walk normally again. That's when it hit me...braxton hicks! I had another one that night while I was folding laundry. Brian happened to be laying on the bed watching the Twins (God forbid he actually help fold the laundry, instead he just lays on the bed...sorry preggers rant there...) so he got to feel it as well. Anyways, braxton hicks don't really mean much other then my body's preparing for Oscar to make his debut! So that got me thinking, we've got a girls name (Brianna Marie) but we don't have a boys name I've compiled a list of the boys names we sort of like and added a poll to the side of this blog. Please vote on which name you like the best. I can't guarantee the winning name will be used, but I thought this might be fun.

Below are a few videos of Logie Bear. This first one is him dancing to the theme song for Rescue Me. He loves that song and when it comes on he just starts dancing to it.

And then Tuesday night I taught Logan how to show his muscles. In this first video he does it right away at the start of the video and then of course won't do it again. But in the next video he does it...and of course is looking away from the camera...but oh well it's fun!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!


Unknown said...

Hey big sis.....i do have one thing....Gavin is a no go cuz Jamie and I have already picked that one...she isnt preg but someday.

We already have that one so I am going to have to say thats a no go!


Tee said...

I don't know little brother seems to be the one most people like the most.... :-) First make the baby first pick the name....

Unknown said...

I know but Jamie and I would be very : ( cuz then we would have 2 Gavin's in the family then....

Plus we dibs Gavin like two years ago!

TammyJayne said...

So I choose the 3 names that are ranked the lowest, I did however put time and thought into it, I said it with Meyer, and then with Logan...that's how I made my decisions!
BH already? that's early! better slow down a bit or you may end up having Oscar sooner than planned!

The Sherman's said...

so i'm pretty sure that bmeyer is the one who enjoys the rescue me song and uses it as an excuse to dance. same w/ the "show me your muscles" trick. nice guns shrek. and yep mitchell, theresa's right, make the baby first, get dibs on the name. you can't put dibs on a name before you're even pregs dude. sorry. okay. now i feel bad cuz you're overseas. free pass.