Monday, July 20, 2009

Not Sawyer

Brian and I were discussion the current results of the voting this weekend, talking about which names we liked and which ones we didn't care for. I said I liked Sawyer and Brian said he didn't really like it. I asked why and this was his response..."So-yer-a Meyer huh?" CRAP!! So the name Sawyer is out. I can't edit the poll since people have already voted, but if you've voted for Sawyer and would like to change your vote feel free. We're for sure not going with Sawyer now. I was quite disappointed when Brain pointed this out, but I guess better now then after Oscar arrived and we'd already named him that.


Shutterbug said...

Darn it I did like that name too! It was just so cute sounding. I think Brady is my next favorite though.

The Sherman's said...

Yeah, Jake told me that Bmeyer said that and my exact response was, "Oh nooooo!" But, I voted for Cody originally and am stickin w/it. That's a tough name and God knows you gotta be tough to be a Meyer!