Monday, November 10, 2008

Embarrassing Photo?

Ok, because April asked so nicely I won't post a totally embarrassing photo of her. This is as close as I will get. Is this really embarrassing? This is from my bachelorette party, needless to say we were completely wasted. Oh to be young and foolish again...right Apes?

I'll post new photo's of Logan and maybe a few video's on Wednesday night...tomorrow night is grad. school so I'm sure I won't do it when I get home.


The Sherman's said...

Okay, I can live with that one. I was afraid you'd post one from the 1st night we met... Me with that dumb ass bucket hat looking all fat and lame. ;)
Man, was your party a good one or what!? I know of another picture from this same bar, probably just minutes after this one was taken that would throw your blog fans for a loop! SMOOCH! ;)

Tee said...

Yeah I thought for about 6 seconds of posting that one, but then I thought, "My grandma and grandpa check this sometimes...don't really want them to see it." So this was the next best thing.

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's not fair at all! I had an embrassing photo for my birthday and I'm sure you have PLENTY of embrassing photos of April!!!


The Sherman's said...

Whateva Kel! Yours wasn't embarassing, it was funny! Please do not encourage her to post any embarassing pics of me girl. I have seen her arsenal of blackmail material and it is NOT PRETTY.

Tee said...

Girls, Girls, Girls, I won't post any more embarrassing photos...mainly because I don't want you to post any of me. :-) Kelly I'm sorry, I thought yours was funny not embarrassing as well...I can remove it still if you want...

Anonymous said...

NO, NO, NO!!! That's fine! It was funny!! One of my finer moments in life!!!


Anonymous said...

oh come on....I want to see it!