Thursday, June 12, 2008

Movin' and a Shakin'

Logan is really starting to move a lot lately. He's constantly kicking his legs and waving his arms around. He still LOVES to stand up and if you hold his hands and have him in a squatting position he'll even push himself up to standing all by himself! The other day we laid him down to play with his kitty and when we came back (only after like 5 min. so don't worry we didn't leave him there for hours...) he was turned almost 90 degrees from the way we laid him down. He kicks his legs up and lifts his butt off the ground and starts twisting. I haven't actually seen him move, but I'm going to try to get some video of it soon, so stay tuned for that. He's getting so big already it makes me so sad. He still fits into his 0-3 month clothes though and yesterday Brian even had him in a newborn outfit. The sleeves were a little short on him, but other than that it still fit. I do need to go through his clothes though and pack away all the newborn stuff and get out his 3-6 month clothes. He's going to be three months in a week....I can't believe it...three months already...where does the time go?!?!

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