Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another Hair Cut

Thursday it was time for another hair cut for Brian's didn't whip out the clippers again...I think Jody would have killed him if he had. No we brought him into Jody's salon and Jody gave him his first "real" haircut (although Brian will tell you that he gave him his first hair cut.) Logan did good, just a little fussy...but then again he is only 7 months old.

Friday night Kim, Sherri and I went to the Rascal Flatts concert at the Xcel Center. It was AWESOME! I love Rascal Flatts! Here is just a few pictures from the night.

Then Kim, Sherri and I did a little scrapbooking this weekend. And any time aunt Sherri is around we get a lot of great pictures, so here are a few.

(Kim look at the great shot Sherri got of Logan and his teeth...Kim and I tried all weekend long to get a good picture of Logan showing his teeth. We finally got one, but he's crabby in the picture and has a mean face. The above picture is much better! :-) )

Logan has learned how to do this weird sucking thing with his tongue now. Sherri captured a video of it this weekend....check it's too funny!

Since Logan has been "walking" around the kitchen using a diaper box lately we thought it would be a good idea to get him a walker that he could actually use to walk around. Well luck for us Grandma Meyer had one we could borrow. She brought it over on Sunday and it only took about 15 min for Logan to figure it out. He doesn't have the steering thing down yet, but I'm sure it won't take him long. :-)

And finally, Brian and Logan were upstairs on Saturday night. Brian was suppose to be watching Logan, but was busy on the computer. He looked up to find where Logan was and this is what he found...

Logan had gotten into the Q-tips and was just chewing away on them. Brian thought they felt good on his gums since he's teething pretty bad. Logan did not want to give them up and was quite mad when we took them away.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome, I totally forgot I had that picture of him and his teeth. The walker video is way cute. Logan I can't believe it's already that time for you to be walking. Heather can't believe it. I have a feeling I will be bringing her by to see Logan because she just told me "it has been a long time since I have seen him." I am taking that as a hint!!
Love Sherri

Tee said...

Sounds good, I've got nothing planned Wednesday or Thursday night so any time would be good. Good luck tonight Cheddar with dance!

The Sherman's said...

Logan, I told you not to do anything new, learn anything fun, or get any bigger until I can see you again. You have done all of the above and more! You little stinker!!
Layla loves eating Q-tips as well... has to be the teething thing, like you said Tee. And dude! Could that thing he's doing w/his mouth be any cuter!!? I have to say, if he had gotten that walker when I was there, I would've peed my pants laughing. He is loving that thing!