The usual more pictures of Logan. He just loves this hunting hat that Jake, April and Layla Bean sent him when he was born. It's one of the few things we can put on his head and he doesn't immediately rip off. Well that and his Ninja headband that auntie Sherri put on him the other night...he didn't mind that either.

We had a bit of a scare on Thursday night. I'll start off by saying everything is fine and there's nothing to worry about. Brian called me from the bowling alley (he was subbing on a men's league for a friend) and said that his mom was in the hospital. Becky was having some pain in her chest and she went into have it checked out just to be sure. She did not have a heart attack or anything and the doctors never did figure out what was giving her the pain in her chest. They kept her over night in the hospital for observation and to run some more tests. She got to come home on Friday and the pain was gone. She's going back in on Wednesday for some more tests. But she's doing fine now, no pain. She said it was probably scarier for her family then for her, but I think she was kind of scared too. We're just so thankful that she's alright! We love you Grandma/Mom!
Other than that the weekend was pretty mellow, nothing much going on. These last few pictures of Logan are funny. We have a water filter in our fridge for the in-the-door water and ice. The filter goes in on the bottom of the door and the other day Logan discovered this while hanging out in the kitchen with me. Now whenever he's in the kitchen and I open the fridge door he goes over and plays with the filter. He lays down completely flat on the floor and plays with it. It's so funny. I tell you he is completely 100% all boy, constantly trying to figure out how stuff works and take things apart.

Logan was sitting on my lap while I was posting and of course he wanted to contribute as well....
khtjffchtgfvdt6yjnyjmtth n .
Not sure what that means, but maybe some day he'll be able to tell us...
Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:
The last picture would be an awesome 7 mos pic for his book. Of course you have to crop it and remove the red eye but I think its awesome nice job!
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