Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Kelly!


The Sherman's said...

oh my god kelly. i just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
happy bday, you hooker. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tee!!! You couldn't of found a better picture!!! When was that even taken? All I can say is WOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Classic Kell Bell, and you captured it on film!
I love your page sweetie. You have an adorable family.
I hope all is well...keep the Logan videos comin',they make me giggle. :)


Tee said...

Hehe..I thought you'd like that picture Kel. I honestly went to look for a good picture of you, but found this one and just couldn't resist! It was taken at Becky's 50th Surprise Birthday part at about 12:30 p.m. and after LOTS of 7-14-21. :-) I hope you're not mad.

Kari! Thanks and I'll try to grab some more video of Logan this weekend. He can climb the full staircase now and it's pretty funny how cool he thinks he is...

Anonymous said...

No not at all! It's just typical me I guess.