As I mentioned earlier on Christmas day everyone brought their snow gear so we could go sledding. Mom and Logie went outside early and made a snowman. He really liked when Mom pulled him around in the sled, but wasn't too keen on walking in the snow. I'm not sure if it was just too deep for him or what, but he would not walk in the snow. And by the end of the snowman he was sitting in the sled covering his face with his gloves. I figured he was just cold and wanted to go in, which was true, so I figured he wouldn't really like sledding. That he'd go down the hill twice and be ready to go back to the house. Boy was I wrong...he LOVED sledding. See for yourself in the videos. He laughed and laughed and laughed and after every trip down the hill it was, "den, den" which is 'again' in Logan speak. Too cute. We definitely have a boys boy on our hands!
Mom and Logie...I love this picture.
Our little snowman. No corncob pipe or button nose, but we did give him arms and a face made of rocks.
Logan's first trip down the hill with Dad. Dad's a little too big for the sled and I think weighted it down a little. But Logan didn't care, he still loved it!
"Den" :-)
Mom, Dad and Logan. Winter Fun!
Logan had it so easy. Of course we'd always pull him up the hill in the sled. He never got on the other hand were tired after about the fourth trip up the hill... :-)
Someone before us had built this cool bench out of snow. It was pretty big and really was nice to have something to sit on.
BMeyer chilaxing
We only had three sleds and there were eight of us counting Logan, so you had to wait to get a turn on the sleds. Jamie was sitting at the top of the hill and found some garbage bags, so she decided to try going down the hill on the garbage bag. It worked surprisingly well actually. So here's my attempt at going down the hill on a garbage bag. Way to be inventive Jamie! :-)
This Christmas was especially good to the boys. They got so many cool toys and clothes. Thank you so much to everyone. We really appreciate it!
Christmas Eve was at Grandma and Grandpa Meyer's. It's always a great time and so much fun to watch the kids running around together and playing. Yes with 6 kids under 2.5 years old it can be a little hectic at times, but it's mostly super fun. I can't wait until they're just a little older and can really play together.
Kelly, bless her, got the boys all kinds of clothes and pajamas. Mom LOVED it...Logan...not so's a video of him opening his clothes. You can see he's just like his father...doesn't like getting clothes for Christmas or birthdays.
Here's a few pictures.
Stella digging into her candy cane from Grandma.
As you can see it's a bit tight at Grandma's...but we wouldn't have it any other way! :-)
Carey and JovieJaylee...yeah I still suck and telling them apart.
Auntie Kelly and Uncle Dan
Cheese! He wouldn't put the hammer down until we started opening more gifts.
JovieJaylee showing me the beef jerky Uncle Dan got.
Cody Mouse modeling the hat he got from Uncle Bob and Aunt Carey. He likes it!
The mouse again modeling the hat from Grandma. So cute!
Mikey got in on the modeling action and is modeling his new coveralls.
Weston just chilled the whole time and was lovin' up on Auntie Nellie.
So stinkin' cute...even if he is frowning.
The four older cousin's ready for dinner!
Jovie and Jaylee in their cozy coupes. They really liked them.
Then after Grandma's we went home and opened gifts just us four. Brian and I had gotten Logan and Cody this Cars themed ball pit thing that they can play in. Julie has something similar at daycare and it's all Logan talks about, so I knew he would love it. He opened the balls first and was so excited he had to dump them all out on the ground. The video is below. Every gift he opened after that, the first thing he would say was, "More balls!". He really likes the balls...Cody on the other hand was not a fan of the balls (see picture below).
YEAH BALLS! I really really like BALLS!
See Cody didn't like the balls too much...yet...I'm sure he'll love them later.
We also got him a tool bench and some tools for Christmas. He liked those, but just not as much as the balls.
The Meyer's.
Then we went to Grandpa and Grandma Steffen's Christmas morning to open presents. Logan of course got more balls from Auntie Christie...see I told you he was spoiled this Christmas.
Grandma and the mouse.
Mom and Logan.
HELP this jacket is swallowing me whole!
The mouse and Uncle Steven.
Logan and his balls. See he had to dump them all out again. Then he started stacking them in the empty boxes.
Grandma and Grandpa.
Logan trying out the stockings.
Jamie and the mouse.
Then lastly we hit up the Steffen family Christmas at my Aunt Debbie's house. Here's a few pictures from that Christmas. This year we thought it would be fun to go sledding, so everyone brought all their snow gear. Logan and I went outside and built a snowman before we went sledding. I'll save the sledding and snowman pictures/videos for another post as this one is getting rather long.
The card sharks.
Logan and his cool new Cars slippers from Auntie Sherri.
Random shot of the group...yes my Uncle Jarrett likes the Packers...
So this year we didn't draw names as an extended family, so my sister, brother Steven and cousin Crystal thought it would be funny to get each other gag gifts. Since Steven...eeerr Crystal...errr...Steven...well I'm not sure who exactly, but one of them almost burned down my sisters apartment when they went to visit her in July, they got Steven a fireman's costume. He had to model it of course! Dork! :-) And yes he got stuck in it and couldn't get out.
Sherri and I are halfway through the P90X workout program. It's a pretty intense 90 day workout program that is VERY time consuming. We will admit that we've veered from the program a little bit, we don't do the diet plan, nor the 90 min yoga workout nor do we do the Kempo workout which is all punching and kicking...we tried it once and looked like total and complete fools and decided we'd much rather just run on those days. It's at least an hour workout most days, so while we workout Logan and Cody get to play in the basement. Logan loves it, he gets to sit on the pool table and put the balls in the holes and get into all kinds of things. Now after Christmas he's got even more toys to play with downstairs which should help keep him occupied while we workout. Every once in a while he'll stop playing and watch what Sherri and I are doing. It's pretty funny watching him try to do our exercises with us. There's a short video of him doing the ab routine with us. It's really funny when he tries to do the Plyometrics with us and just jumps around on the mat.
Here's a few shots of Sherri and I goofing around.
We're half way Sherri...Tony Horton is the devil some days...but we'll keep bringing it until we're done with this hellish program!
That's right Cody has rolled over...once...It's been almost a week and he hasn't done it again. I guess he's just pacing himself or something. But he did roll over, I saw it with my own two eyes...and got it on video...sort of. As I mentioned before he rolled almost all the way over, but couldn't quite get his arm out from underneath him, but as soon as I put the camera down he did roll all the way over to his tummy. And then of course started whining because he hates being on his tummy...which, come to think of it, might be why he hasn't rolled over again he knows what the end result will be now and has decided that rolling over is overrated. :-) Who knows.
Brian and Logan were out shopping while Cody was rolling over for the first time, so when they got home I put Cody down to see if he'd show his new found skills to his Daddy. So Cody's laying on the blanket and both Brian and I are watching him saying, "Roll over. You can do it! Roll over." So of course since we were paying all our attention to Cody, Logan had to lay down next to Cody on the blanket and show us how he can roll over. It was pretty funny. Every time we'd say to Cody, "Roll over, you can do it." Logan would lay down and roll over. Hehehe
Here's the footage of him rolling over. It's kind of long.