Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dad back to work

Well not much new at the Meyer Ranch. Daddy went back to work today so it's just me and Logan all day. We make a good team so it works out well. Although I'm sure Daddy misses us and wishes he could have stayed home longer. Although daddy gets to stay home all summer with Logan and mom has to go back to work. :-(

Brian finished the tile floor in the shower yesterday and got the first course of wall tiles laid. There are a few pictures, he wasn't real pumped that I was taking pictures while he was working, but I didn't get in the way too much. I just keep telling Logan, "You're daddy knows so much stuff and he's going to teach to all of it so don't worry."

There are some more pictures of Logan too. I took some video yesterday too, but I can't find the video camera cord so I don't have any way to get it off the camera. We'll have to pick one up this weekend when we're out.

Ok, Happy Thursday everyone!


Anonymous said...

guys it looks like life is starting to get back to normal Brian hard at work on the house and the new mommy tending to Logan. He is so dang cute i can't wait to be able to hold him for longer than a couple of minutes at the shop. Take care and Theresa keep resting when you can, you need all that you can get. Love jody

Tee said...

Jody you're the best! I keep telling myself I should rest, but I just can't seem too. Although I did take an hour and a half nap with Logan yesterday and I plan to do the same today. Can't wait to see you on Sunday!