Friday, March 28, 2008

Woodland Creatures

Yesterday we had some visitors. Three deer came walking into the yard and came right up our driveway. Brian was SO excited! He took about 15 pictures of them and some video as well. It was excitement overload for BMeyer with the geese flying over and the deer literally 10 yards from our front door. He was so disappointed it wasn't bow season. Spring turkey opens soon though so he'll get his chance to shoot something then. Oh and I forgot he's going to shoot pigeons on Sunday so that will be fun for him too.

Today Logan and I had our first outing. I had my one week dr. appt. Everything went well. I'm still not allowed to lift anything over 20 lbs for another five weeks and I can't start working out for another 5 weeks either. Waiting this long will be super hard for me, but I can at least start walking. Hopefully the weather gets nice and Logan and I can go for some walks down the road. Monday is Logan's dr. appt. I'm very excited to see how much weight he's gained since we left the hospital!

After the dr. appt we went into school to see Daddy. Of course mom forgot the camera and didn't get any pictures of Logan in the shop with dad. The kids were excited to see the "new little Meyer".

Tomorrow I think we're heading to the cities again to Ashley furniture and Slumberland furniture to find a kitchen table and some bar stools. Then we're going over to Nicole and Ben's for dinner.

Oh and we did give Logan his first bath on Wed. night, but I didn't take any pictures. He HATES getting lotion put on him and he HATED his bath. It wasn't a full bath cause his umbilical cord hasn't fallen off yet, so I'll wait and take some pictures of his first real bath. Hopefully he'll like that better than the sponge bath. Ok daddy will be home from softball practice in 15 mins so I better get dinner started.

1 comment:

The Sherman's said...

Well, if this post isn't enough to send jake to a corner crying, telling himself to "find a happy place" away from the city so he can imagine he lives in the country where he can see things like this... i don't know what is. Poor country bumpkin... trapped in the city. Calgon... take us away.